A lot of folks have been asking me since we told people we were running for Congress, what are our priorities?
Electing me or anyone else to Congress alone will never solve these problems. You know that as well as I do. I studied political corruption for the past decade. I know how broken the system is, but I also know that while I cannot fix this, even as your Congressman, I do know that we can fix this and create the jobs, health, education, communities, and a country that we all want and deserve. We can fix this.
Here are some ideas driving our campaign:
Good Jobs That Support Families In The 21st District: How do we achieve that? Two ways. One, advocate for strong trade policies in our government that prevent loss of jobs through cheating in trade contracts. Second, we have to acknowledge the lie that “free trade” is “free.” There is always a cost when a developed country sources labor from a developing country. It benefits the developing country, but comes at the expense of the working class of the developed country – in our case, the United States.
Fixing A Broken Trade Policy & Tapping Into Resources: We must advocate a trade policy that can defend our country from the costs that have hurt America’s working class. We also need to celebrate what’s great about what we already have here in the 21st. The best assets in the district can be built larger and more robust: our universities, our ports, our manufacturing, our farming. Our first priority is good jobs.
Health and Healthcare: We must focus on creating expanded access to healthcare systems – both rural and in our cities. We must take more concerted action around the toll the opioid crisis is taking on our communities, specifically as a major health crisis in the district. We’ll support the people that are working in our schools and communities to solve the opioid crisis, while bringing the jobs back to create the pride and purpose that we all seek in our days.
Education: Specifically, spending the tax money that is collected for our public schools in our communities. If we’re going to tax our residents to educate our students and spend money in our schools to acquire everything from food to desks, as much of that money as possible should be spent locally inside of our communities. Our teachers need to be given opportunities and resources to build the environment that allows them to control how their students learn.
Political Reform: An emphasis on political reform will be a foundation of this campaign, for it is political reform that opens up the process and allows more participation and a broader base of financing for all politics. That allows the new trade policies, health policies, and education policies that we all need to do this.